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Our team

Monique Amrein

Research Associate

Finding the ideal candidates who fit our customers with a lot of positive energy and perseverance is an exciting challenge. I enjoy bringing people together who really harmonize.

Direct: +41 44 421 77 08

Dr. Thomas A. Biland

Chairman of Board of Directors / Owner

It makes me proud to see how our team of experienced, dependable consultants consistently succeeds in finding candidates who really are right even for complex positions.

Valentin Leuthard


As a student assistant of the office management I support the members of our team in all their activities. The varied work keeps it exciting at all times.

Laura Pohl


At da professionals, I can use my curiosity about people and society and my enjoyment of new challenges in a targeted way - the search for the most suitable candidates for our clients requires both and offers new opportunities every day to bring the right companies and people together.

Direct: +41 44 421 77 06

Gisela Schiewe

Senior Research Associate

It gives me great pleasure to create solutions in order to find the best possible, suitable candidates and to win them over for a new professional challenge with a great deal of sensitivity and sustainable arguments.

Direct: +41 44 421 77 07

Sina Staub


As a student assistant, I support our team in various areas. In our daily routine, which is full of variety, I am always thrilled by the exchange with candidates and customers. Together as a team, we overcome hurdles and celebrate successes.

Daniela Steiner

Office Manager

I support our team so that they can fully focus on their core business: Finding the best match for our clients and candidates and providing the best quality service. I am delighted when clients and candidates find each other through our support.

Direct: +41 44 421 77 11

Melvin Steiner


Finding the most suitable candidates for the respective position together with our customers motivates me every day. For me, experience, speed and transparency are the basis for successful cooperation. People are always at the center of my thoughts and actions.

Direct: +41 44 421 77 05

Bernie Tewlin

Senior Consultant / Key Account Manager

In the age of digital progress, personality is one of the most important keys to success. To place candidates with the ideal “hard facts and soft skills” in suitable companies is my passion. Our strength is to find the perfect match.

Direct: +41 44 421 77 16

Pamela Wolf

Office Manager

I am a ‘People-person’. I like the encounter with interesting personalities and the challenge to support them in their career change.

Direct: +41 44 421 77 11

Contact us

More questions? We would be delighted to talk to you any time – please contact us to arrange an appointment.



da professionals publishes many articles in leading (HR) media on topics of interest in connection with job search strategies, recruitment through employment agencies and personnel consultancy. You find the most recent articles here.

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